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Gemini Founders Bolster Trump’s Campaign with $2 Million Bitcoin Donations

Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss contribute millions in Bitcoin to support Donald Trump, citing his pro-crypto stance as pivotal for the industry's future.

In a bold move underscoring the cryptocurrency sector’s burgeoning political clout, Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss have donated $2 million in Bitcoin to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. This donation aligns with their belief that Trump represents the “pro-Bitcoin, pro-crypto, and pro-business” candidate in the upcoming election.

Expressing their support, the Gemini co-founders publicly endorsed Trump, emphasizing that his administration would counteract Joe Biden’s aggressive regulatory measures on the crypto industry. These measures, they argue, have stifled innovation and adversely impacted the industry’s growth.

In a lengthy X post, Tyler Winklevoss sharply criticized the Biden Administration for what he views as an “open war” against cryptocurrency. He highlighted the administration’s tactics of using federal agencies like the OCC and FDIC to pressure banks into shunning crypto transactions, a strategy reminiscent of the controversial Operation Choke Point.

Tyler also took aim at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for its lack of clear regulatory frameworks for cryptocurrencies. He condemned the SEC’s “regulation by enforcement” approach, which has left crypto businesses navigating a precarious legal landscape without firm guidelines.

Furthermore, the Winklevoss twins’ financial support has a broader implication for the 2024 elections. Beyond their substantial donation, their crypto exchange Gemini has begun facilitating cryptocurrency contributions for other pro-crypto political candidates, potentially shaping the regulatory environment for crypto in Washington.

The twins’ significant political contributions through entities like Fairshake PAC highlight a strategic push to influence key Senate and House races, supporting candidates who favor less restrictive crypto regulations. As the crypto industry gains traction in political spheres, its influence on policy decisions and future regulatory frameworks continues to grow, marking a pivotal moment for the intersection of technology and politics.


Greetings! My name is JP, I am based in the US and I am proud to be an author for Krypto Channel. Our news media company is committed to making crypto accessible to everyone, and my area of focus is on the entertainment and lifestyle side of things. Through my articles, I highlight how individuals and businesses are utilizing cryptocurrency in hotels, real estate, boats, cars, watches, and jewelry, and showcase the impressive rate of adoption around the world. My content includes both written articles and video features that take a deep dive into the world of crypto. I conduct interviews with prominent figures in the industry and provide viewers with an insider's look at the latest trends and innovations. As someone who is passionate about the transformative power of crypto, I am excited to be a part of Krypto Channel. Together, we can explore the amazing world of cryptocurrency and all the ways in which it is changing the way we live and work.
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